Dr. Gesine Bejeuhr
Bayer AG, Berlin
Pediatric Regulatory Leader
Dr. Stefanie Breitenstein
Formaly Global Clinical Leader Pediatric Development at Bayer AG
Dr. Sabine Scherer
-requested- Senior Expert Regulatory Affairs und Paediatrics, Bonn
Senior Expert Regulatory Affairs und Paediatrics, Bonn Paediatrician and adolescent medicine specialist
Dr. Frank Tennigkeit
UCB Biosciences GmbH, Monheim
Senior Clinical Program Director Pediatric Development
09:00-17:00 CEST
You may dial in 30 minutes before the session starts.
Veranstaltung - 1,290 € zzgl. MwSt.
The participation fee includes documentation for download, a certificate, access to the Learning Space and technical support including PreMeeting.
Veranstaltung - 1,290 € zzgl. MwSt.
The participation fee includes documentation for download, a certificate, access to the Learning Space and technical support including PreMeeting.
Regine Görner
Dr. Verena Klüver
Would you like to plan your paediatric clinical trials strategically and conduct them efficiently in practice? Then attend this online seminar and benefit from comprehensive knowledge transfer and the practical experience of paediatric experts!
Paediatric clinical trials are an essential part of drug development. Those who position themselves strategically and plan and conduct the trials carefully will benefit on the drug development timeline.
In this seminar, you will learn about the regulatory requirements for paediatric clinical trials and how paediatric investigation plans as well as study concepts are assessed in the EU.
With the knowledge imparted in the seminar, you will
Dr Gesine Bejeuhr
Dr Sabine Scherer
Coffee break
Dr Stefanie Breitenstein, Dr Frank Tennigkeit
Lunch break
Dr Stefanie Breitenstein, Dr Frank Tennigkeit
Dr Stefanie Breitenstein, Dr Frank Tennigkeit
Coffee break
Dr Stefanie Breitenstein, Dr Frank Tennigkeit
Q&A Session
End of the seminar
of 5 stars of all ratings from 2024
of 5 stars on Trustpilot = good
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