2025-03-10 2025-03-10 , , 1,290 € zzgl. MwSt. Dr. Hans-Rainer Jaenichen https://www.forum-institut.de/seminar/25071001-recent-decisions-of-the-epo-boards-of-appeal-in-biotechnology-and-biopharmaceuticals/referenten/25/25_07/25071001-seminar-epo-boards-of-appeal-descisions-in-biotechnology_jaenichen-hans-rainer.jpg Recent Decisions of the EPO Boards of Appeal in Biotechnology and Biopharmaceuticals

The most important decisions of the Boards of Appeal in the field of biopharmaceuticals and biotechnology and changes in the Guidelines will be presented. The panelists will discuss, in particular, the consequences of these decisions and changes on patent practice.

The contents of your online course
  • Second medical uses and food
  • NGTs and Plant Patentability vs. Plant Breeders Rights
  • "Plausibility": the influence of G 2/21 on subsequent case law
  • Effectively claiming formal and substantial priority
  • Patenting antibodies in the EPO and other jurisdictions
  • Deposits and their disclosure

Who should attend
  • Heads and employees of patent departments
  • Patent Attorneys and Patent Engineers/Scientists
  • Patent Attorneys at Law
  • Patent managers and patent experts
The objectives of your online course
The most important decisions of the Boards of Appeal in the field of biopharmaceuticals and biotechnology and changes in the Guidelines will be presented. The panelists will discuss, in particular, the consequences of these decisions and changes on patent practice.

The panelists offer experience in the field of biopharmaceuticals with one of the most eminent Patent Attorneys practicing exclusively in the field of biotechnology and biopharmaceuticals. Thus, an informed presentation of the decisions with a focus on the impact on practice is guaranteed.
Your benefit

  • You will hear the BoA Biotech decisions at first hand
  • You will learn more about the reasons for the decisions
  • You can assess the practical consequences

EPO Boards of Appeal Descisions in Biotechnology

Recent Decisions
of the EPO Boards of Appeal
in Biotechnology and Biopharmaceuticals

  • Meet the Experts!
  • Latest developments in brief
  • 6 hours of CPD

Webcode 25071001

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Course: 09:00 - 17:00 CET
Login 15 minutes before start

Course: 09:00 - 17:00 CET
Login 15 minutes before start

Your contact

Janina Bätge

+49 6221 500-715


The most important decisions of the Boards of Appeal in the field of biopharmaceuticals and biotechnology and changes in the Guidelines will be presented. The panelists will discuss, in particular, the consequences of these decisions and changes on patent practice.

The contents of your online course

  • Second medical uses and food
  • NGTs and Plant Patentability vs. Plant Breeders Rights
  • "Plausibility": the influence of G 2/21 on subsequent case law
  • Effectively claiming formal and substantial priority
  • Patenting antibodies in the EPO and other jurisdictions
  • Deposits and their disclosure

Who should attend
  • Heads and employees of patent departments
  • Patent Attorneys and Patent Engineers/Scientists
  • Patent Attorneys at Law
  • Patent managers and patent experts

The objectives of your online course

The most important decisions of the Boards of Appeal in the field of biopharmaceuticals and biotechnology and changes in the Guidelines will be presented. The panelists will discuss, in particular, the consequences of these decisions and changes on patent practice.

The panelists offer experience in the field of biopharmaceuticals with one of the most eminent Patent Attorneys practicing exclusively in the field of biotechnology and biopharmaceuticals. Thus, an informed presentation of the decisions with a focus on the impact on practice is guaranteed.

Your benefit

  • You will hear the BoA Biotech decisions at first hand
  • You will learn more about the reasons for the decisions
  • You can assess the practical consequences

Detailed programme

Course: 09:00 - 17:00 CET
Login 15 minutes before start

Claim construction
  • medical use of antibodies/importance of definition to be treated

Second medical uses and food
  • synergy/inventive step
  • evidence in the application
  • using post-filed evidence
  • combination approaches to treatment
  • "correct data" and credibility
  • patient stratification
  • meeting abstract or clinical study report as closest prior art
  • food and microbiomes
  • non-medical uses vs. medical uses

NGTs and Plant Patentability vs. Plant Breeders Rights

"Plausibility": the influence of G 2/21 on subsequent case law
  • history of the EPO plausibility criterion
  • the referral decision T 116/18 (October 11, 2021)
  • G 2/21, issued March 23, 2023
  • how T 116/18 finally applied G 2/21 in July 2023
  • recent decisions applying G 2/21

Effectively claiming formal and substantial priority
  • formal entitlement
  • G 1/22 and G 2/22
  • substantial entitlement/same invention
  • case law on formal priority after G 1/22 and G 2/22

Patenting antibodies in the EPO and other jurisdictions
  • how to properly characterize antibodies in claims
  • medical uses of antibodies
  • the humanization discussion
  • definition by structural and functional features
  • unambiguous sequence definition
  • UPC, Amgen vs. Sanofi: a new problem-and-solution approach?

Deposits and their disclosure
  • antibodies
  • minibiologics/microbiome

Pending referrals to the EBA and petitions for review
  • G 1/23 on prior uses
  • G 1/24 on claim construction
  • G 2/24 on intervener after withdrawal of all appeals
  • petitions for review: statistics

Tips & Hints

Seminar language

The seminar will be held in English.

Evidence of further education

This course merits 6 hours of CPD and 6 credit points under the rules on professional competence of the Netherlands Bar Association. It is also a potentially relevant CPD for fellows of the CIPA.

Access to and procedure for online events

Once you have registered for an event, we will send you the access information for your customer portal. Click here to log in to the customer portal using your email address and password. Please ensure you can access the customer portal before the day of the event.

All important or additional information and personal documents are available in your personalised customer portal. This is also where you start your online courses. If you do not have access to the customer portal yet, you can easily register here.

On the day of the event, you kick off your online training in the customer portal by clicking ‘Participate’ directly in the respective event. You will then be redirected to the Learning Space.

Learn more about our online events here.

Technical requirements

You need a reliable Internet connection to take part in our online events. To have the best possible learning experience, we recommend that you use the latest version of the Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome browsers. You will need a headset, loudspeaker or telephone to play the audio. Further information is available here. Please check beforehand that your microphone or headset and camera are working properly. Do not access our services from a VPN since there are issues with the audio over such connections.

We have integrated Zoom video conferencing software into our Learning Space for our online training courses. If you are not authorised to use Zoom, please get in touch with us so we can make alternative arrangements for you to take part in our online training.

Free pre-meeting and technology check

You can attend one of our pre-meetings and explore our Learning Space free of charge. Registration is not required. You can find available dates for a pre-meeting in your customer portal. Click the green ‘Participate’ button in the pre-meeting in the customer portal and you will be redirected to the Learning Space.

The pre-meeting gives you the opportunity to explore our Learning Space and to familiarise yourself with the technology to start off your online training on the right foot. This is a non-binding offer for all our customers and not a prerequisite for participation. If a pre-meeting date does not suit you but you would still like a technology check, please contact us.

This distinguishes our events

Your overall impression

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