Thomas Glischke
Senior Manager, Risk Advisory - Controllership Accounting & Reporting, Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Berlin
Thomas Glischke has more than 15 years experience in consulting and auditing financial institutions. Thomas works primarily in the areas of accounting for financial instruments (IFRS and German GAAP), pricing of financial instruments and quantitative risk measurement. Thomas has worked as a project manager for several projects, including big transformation projects like IFRS 9 implementations. Thomas studied at the TU Berlin and the University of Texas at Austin and holds a diploma in Business Mathematics. He regularly publishes research papers on topics of accounting for financial instruments and risk management.
von 9 bis ca. 17 Uhr
Veranstaltung - 1,190 € zzgl. MwSt.
The registration fee includes a downloadable electronic documentation and a certificate of education.
Veranstaltung - 1,190 € zzgl. MwSt.
The registration fee includes a downloadable electronic documentation and a certificate of education.
Carmen Fürst-Grüner
Bereichsleiterin Financial Services
+49 6221 500-860
Gain a thorough understanding of the latest accounting standards for national and international banks through detailed examples, all available online.
The online seminar "Bank Accounting according to HGB and IFRS" provides an in-depth look at both the current and new accounting standards for banks under both, the German Commercial Code (HGB) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Participants will start with a concise overview of the fundamental regulations and then explore specific issues and challenges in accounting. The seminar will also cover solutions and methods for effective balance sheet management. A special emphasis will be placed on the classification and measurement, on hedge accounting and on impairments under IFRS 9. The material will be presented primarily through practical examples drawn from HGB and IFRS financial statements.
09:10 - 12:30
Incl. vitality break from 9:45am to 10:00am
13:30 - 17:00
Incl. vitality break from 3:00pm to 3:15pm
If you experience any difficulties when dialling in to your online training course, please contact our technical support team on the following telephone number: 00496221 500-535
Please contact us, we will be happy to offer you alternatives for participating in our online seminar.
You can log in to the customer portal with your user name (e-mail address) and password. Please ensure that you have access to the customer portal before the day of the event. On the day of the event, you can start your online training in the customer portal directly in the respective event by clicking the 'Participate' button.
The documentation for the event and any additional working documents for printing out are available for you in the customer portal at the latest one day before the start of the training course. For some seminars, additional documents will follow afterwards (workshop results, etc.). You will find these after your participation in your customer account together with your certificate.
Get to know our Learning Space and gain confidence: You can take part in one of our PreMeetings free of charge, registration is not required. You can find the dates and access details for our PreMeetings in your customer account. It is a non-binding offer for all customers and not a prerequisite for your participation. If no PreMeeting date suits you, but you would like a technical check in advance, please contact us.
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